Buncombe Commissioner candidate guide — Matt Kern

by David Forbes March 10, 2016

Name: Matt Kern

Profession: Home Builder and organizer of the French Broad River Festival

In up to two words, describe your political affiliation: Democrat

In one brief sentence, describe yourself and why you’re running: I’m a small business owner and father of 2 young boys with extensive volunteer experience in this community and I am running to improve the lives of all people of Buncombe County by helping our teachers, recruiting good paying jobs, protecting our environment and promoting Pre-K education.

General questions

These questions are about problems, challenges or topics facing county government and how you would try to deal with them if elected.

1) Should the county work with the city of Asheville to extend transit service into more areas of the county? If so, what should be the priorities for this expansion?

Yes. Candler, Leicester and Woodfin

2) North Carolina has an increasing problem with teacher retention. If elected, what specific steps would you deal with this situation and improve the county’s education system?

We should all be advocates for teachers. We should look into increasing the current County subsidy and find partnerships with local industries to help support their local school.

3) The Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office began using body cameras for its patrol and corrections officers last year. What policies do you believe should be in place to ensure transparency and protect the rights of the public in this matter?

I agree with our DA. This footage should be protected from exploitation to protect children and the innocent. Footage should be available to the judicial system to protect rights of victims also.

4) As Buncombe County’s seen growth it’s also seen more questions about rules on development and an affordable housing crisis that extends well outside of city limits. What policies should the county pursue on land use and dealing with the housing crunch?

I think the county should look at changing some of the policies to allow for more density on main thoroughfares to create more affordable housing on bus lines and propose less density on larger tracts of land in the county to protect our forests and farmland.

5) What’s your position on the county’s greenways and trails master plan? What should be the priorities for funding greenways and multimodal infrastructure at the countywide level?

I am a huge supporter of greenways. I’ve spent the last 15 years promoting greenways as a quality of life issue that promotes good health and connectivity of communities. A good greenway system can reduce traffic and air pollution and is a great recruiting tool for good paying industries. Priorities should be in Black Mountain, Weaverville, Woodfin and Candler. Those are populated areas that we can get the most bang for our buck. Then once those systems are started it will be easier to then connect them to the City of Asheville and each other.


These questions are about specific proposals the commissioners have or may consider, and how you would vote on them. The first word of each answer must be Yes or No. An explanation of one’s position — or an alternative proposal — may follow.

6) The area has seen a sharp increase in short-term rentals — the practice of renting out homes on sites like Airbnb — spurring a major controversy involving the housing shortage, property rights and the changing nature of the area. Would you support restrictions on short-term rentals similar to those Asheville City Council reinforced last year?

No. I think people struggle to make ends meet in this county and if renting out a garage apartment or room in their home keeps them out of poverty then I support that. I realize that there are communities that don’t want short term rentals and they should organize and form an HOA and restrict them that way.

7) Do you support the county’s recent move to raise the local hotel room tax to provide more funds for marketing the hospitality industry?

Yes, although I would like to see some of the money raised to go toward capital projects like sidewalks and street repair.

8) Will you approve county funds to support the proposal, backed by the city-county African-American Heritage Commission, for a monument on Pack Square marking the contributions and history of local black citizens?

Yes. Why wouldn’t we do this?

9) Charlotte’s City Council recently passed increased protections for their LGBT citizens’ access to facilities and public accommodations, including private businesses. Do you favor Buncombe County passing a similar measure?

No. I say “no” not because I don’t support our LBGT community but because their are a lot of details that need to be ironed out. Who pays for the upgrades of facilities in these private businesses? Who pays for the upgrades in public facilities. What about privacy concerns? This question is rather vague.

10) Until 2009, Buncombe County provided a free wireless network that covered much of downtown. The FCC ruled last year that Wilson had the right to operate a similar network. Do you support using county funds to restore that service?

Yes but I need more details like cost and logistics to accomplish this “free” network.